
By , November 2, 2009 12:21 am

The Objects for which the Society is established are:

  • To Conduct, provide, support, administer and organise development of Agriculture in certain selected villages of India by  among other things:-
    1. Providing training in modern methods of Agriculture
    2. Having wells and channels dug to provide better facilities for irrigation
    3. Leveling of land
    4. Introducing better strains of seeds
  • To establish, manage and run education institutions providing educational facilities to the poor and needy
  • To establish, equip and run centres and workshops to provide technical training to poor and needy in various crafts
  • To provide medical and nutritional aid either free or at minimum cost to the poor and the needy without regard to caste or creed.
  • To undertake construction of roads and dwelling units and to  provide and install sanitation facilities  where these facilities are scarce
  • To organise and undertake various other projects for helping the poor  the needy and vulnerable sections of the Society such as Women, Children and the handicapped in both rural and urban areas.
  • To work with the vulnerable sections of the society, women, Children and also the handicapped.
  • To prepare, print, publish or to support free or at cost periodicals, pamphlets, books concerning all faculties of knowledge for the benefit and utility of the students as well as of the larger society.
  • To enter into any agreement and to work with the Govt at the Central and the State levels and also the Govt agencies such as  the Central and State Social Welfare Boards, CAPART, Khadi and village Industries Associations, Govt Hospitals, P.H.C. and other health and development departments inorder to bring better health and better living conditions to the Urban and Rural Poor.

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